Summary: This study investigates how individuals engage with organizational posts on social media and whether their user engagement with organizational posts differs depending on the social media platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Moreover, this study aims to understand what role individuals’ motivations to use social media in the context of organizational content and the perceived affordances (incl. platform features and properties) play in user engagement with organizational posts. The following research questions guide this study: RQ1: How do individuals make sense of their engagement with organizational content on social media through the lens of their digital trace data, and how does this differ across social media platforms? RQ2: Which motivations and perceived platform affordances are relevant in the individuals’ engagement with organizational content?
Data collection period: January – August 2024
Participant recruitment: Participants were recruited from a lab recruitment system from UvA.
Instructions: Instructions on how to perform the data access and download can be found here.
Interview Guide: This study employed a semi-structured interview to discuss the visualizations of the social media archive data (from Twitter/X, Facebook, and/or Instagram). The interview guide can be found here.
Ethical review: This study was approved by the Ethics Review Board, University of Amsterdam (Reference: FMG-2664_2023). The informed consent can be found here.
Software: The data donations were visualized using Port.
Local processing: The Python script for local processing of the Netflix data is available on GitHub.
Data: Please contact the PI of this study.
Acknowledgements: This project was funded by the Digital Communication Methods Lab: digicomlab, University of Amsterdam.